
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Graydon Carter here ...

Murders most deadly in London and Milan; worst interview ever; the anti-Tesla; Sinatra in the jungle; and more.
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Good Morning!
It's the weekend, and we have
delights from all over
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Here's Just Some of
What We Have in This Issue

From Milan

Last month, an Italian waiter's pregnant girlfriend and suspicious mistress decided to confront him. Only one of them made it out alive

From the U.K.

The BBC television booker who spent months courting Prince Andrew for his infamous "I don't sweat" interview tells all

From the Culture Wars

David Christopher Kaufman argues that the trans-rights movement's all-or-nothing approach is alienating not only Democratic voters but members of the L.G.B.T. movement, too

From Swinging London

The forgotten story of the wealthy American playboy who killed an aspiring French model in the 1960s, then blamed it on a bad LSD trip

From Hollywood

Behind the scenes of John Ford's epic "tits and tigers" movie, Mogambo, with Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly, Clark Gable, and a very put-out Frank Sinatra

From Los Angeles

Elise Loehnen was once Gwyneth Paltrow's right-hand woman at Goop. Now she's warning about the very wellness industry she helped to create

From Kenya

The photographer Peter Beard left behind a legacy defined by adventure. Was it all real?

From Our AIR SUPPLY Shop

Get into the swing of Paris couture week with some of our carefully chosen Gallic delights

Happy Saturday!
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