
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Graydon Carter here ...

Idaho-killer questions; Oppenheimer's hat; Harry Styles's tailor; Soho's great race; E. B. White's anxiety; and more.
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delights from all over
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Here's Just Some of
What We Have in This Issue …
The defense submitted an explosive motion earlier this week: Bryan Kohberger has an alibi.

From the Courtroom

Could Idaho student murder suspect Bryan Kohberger's defense team get him off?

E. B. White warned that a new era of unfathomable peril began with America's dropping of the atomic bomb.

From the Archives

Is E. B. White, author of Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little, a forgotten prophet of our nuclear doom?

Unlike most actors who pivot to music, Jeff Goldblum knows his Monk from his Mingus.

From Hollywood

In an interview, Jeff Goldblum discusses his second act as a musician, from selling out concert halls to giving his kids piano lessons

From Israel

As Benjamin Netanyahu brings in new laws to curb the judiciary's independence, even the country's toughest soldiers say they're going on strike

Naples at dawn, with Mount Vesuvius looming in the background.

From Naples

Thanks to an influx of art, restaurants, and hotels, Naples, a city long considered too dirty and dangerous to visit, is more popular than ever

"There is a void at the heart of our culture, a nihilism that has robbed us of our dreams," reads the Praxis Society's Master Plan.

From New York

Inside the Praxis Society, a Silicon Valley–backed start-up attempting to build a city in the Mediterranean

"A suit is about so much more than dressing a person. It's about romance."

From London

Edward Sexton, who died this week, gave bespoke suits the right amount of flair—and just might have saved Savile Row

Three Camel Lodge, the only luxury eco-lodge in the Gobi Desert, is 400 miles from Ulaanbaatar.

From Mongolia

A little bit of agony and a whole lot of ecstasy make Mongolia the hottest travel destination that no one's talking about—yet

"I have friends that play cards. I have friends that play pickleball. I have friends that walk on the beach all the time. But I love working. And I love creating products."

From Our Beauty-and-Wellness Editor

Bobbi Brown redefined the beauty industry, and she's not stopping anytime soon, says Linda Wells

From Our AIR SUPPLY Shop

Get a Como-over with our selection of elegant Italian threads and gear

Happy Saturday!
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