
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Graydon Carter here ...

Loving Bridget Jones; U.F.O. whistleblower; Alain Delon in trouble; Prigozhin's Wagner Group, unpacked; and more.
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Here's Just Some of
What We Have in This Issue

From the Edge of Space

Rich Cohen reports on the recent U.F.O. revelations made by a U.S. Air Force whistleblower that are so extraordinary they have prompted congressional hearings

From the Orchestra Pit

Why is Yevgeny Prigozhin's Wagner Group of Russian mercenaries named after the German composer? The conductor John Mauceri explains

From Douchy-Montcorbon

Peter Conradi reveals the troubles of Alain Delon, the French New Wave star who's found himself at the center of a legal brawl with his former caretaker turned girlfriend

From the 1990s

As Bridget Jones's Diary turns 25, Hilary Rose hails the hot-mess heroine of our times

Happy Saturday!
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