
🇮🇱 Graydon Carter here ...

On the ground in Tel Aviv; John Lennon's U.F.O.; a secretive French art dynasty in peril; and more …
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Good Morning!
It's the weekend, and we have
delights from all over
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Here's Just Some of
What We Have in This Issue

From Israel

In Tel Aviv, people are still going out to restaurants, but there's no hiding the fact the country is at war—sirens are sounding, pictures of hostages are everywhere, and hundreds of thousands of reservists have been called up

From Paris

For four centuries, France's Wildensteins reigned over their colossal art dynasty in near-total secrecy. Now the third court case in two decades threatens a precipitous fall for the family

From Los Angeles

Inspired by the Netflix series Live to 100, our columnist Cazzie David attempts to implement the lifestyle choices of long-living communities around the world in her day-to-day Los Angeles life

From the Archives

In the mid-70s, John Lennon had split from the Beatles, split from Yoko Ono, and, it seems, split from reality, when he announced he'd seen a flying saucer hovering outside his Manhattan apartment. Legs McNeil looks back

From the Midwest

The Holdovers director Alexander Payne takes Sam Wasson on a tour of his home state, paying homage to other iconic Midwesterners—Fred Astaire, Montgomery Clift, Warren Buffett—along the way

From New York

The massive Domino Sugar refinery has lorded over the East River for well over a century. Now it's been turned into the most spectacular new office building in the city, says architecture critic Paul Goldberger

From Oklahoma

With the release of Martin Scorsese's Killers of the Flower Moon, the panhandle state has cemented itself into our cultural consciousness as the seat of American racism

From the Congo

When Patrice Lumumba reached out to the Soviet Union for military help, he set in play a series of events that would result in his assassination by the C.I.A. The cruel irony is, Lumumba was far from being a Communist

From the Alps

Immodestly stylish, ridiculously fun, and outrageously elitist, Saint-Moritz remains the ultimate Swiss ski resort, buzzing with dinner parties, polo, and nighttime skiing with flaming torches

From the AIR SUPPLY Shop

As the days get shorter, treat yourself to some of our enduring essentials that are designed to age with elegance and ease, from a bristle brush to leather goods

Happy Saturday!
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