
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ The rise and rise of the Formula 1 fan

AIR MAIL: F1 fangirls, the new Beatles groupies; Graydon Carter remembers Martin Amis; George Hahn's rules for living well; inside our Cannes party!
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Good Morning!

It's Memorial Day weekend, but it's also Monaco Grand Prix weekend, and the fans are out in full force. Read Lynn Q. Yu's report on the female superfans helping to make Formula 1 popular again, and more of my favorite stories—Graydon Carter's ode to Martin Amis; Peter Osnos on Vietnam at 50; George Hahn's tips for living well; the wedding trend pitting brides against each other—in the newest issue of AIR MAIL. —Nathan King, Deputy Editor

A fangirl snaps a selfie with the German Formula 1 racing driver Sebastian Vettel.

Girls Just Want to F1

The wild success of Netflix's docuseries Formula 1: Drive to Survive has bred a new type of Grand Prix fan

Martin Amis, Remembered

Graydon Carter looks back at when the late writer stopped being the Mick Jagger of British fiction

Cary Grant knew that a suit without a tie looks unfinished, incomplete, or worse …

George Hahn's Rule of Three

In his latest column, Hahn advocates for a return to tradition, namely, neckties, a clean shave, and a bit of charm

A couple prepares to tie the knot at Mount Everest's base camp, in the Himalayas.

Till Death Do Us Party

This season, "non-wedding weddings" (short ceremonies, long parties) are in, and brides have taken the assignment to heart

American troops board a jet in Saigon as North Vietnamese and Vietcong officers look on, March 29, 1973.

The War That Never Ended

Fifty years after the last American troops left, Vietnam is thriving. The U.S., meanwhile, is still dealing with the aftermath

<em>Eeeek!</em> Bruce Davison and Ernest Borgnine in Daniel Mann's <em>Willard, </em>the 1971 horror movie based on Stephen Gilbert's novel <em>Ratman's Notebooks.</em>

Addressing the Rat in the Room

It's time the humans of New York City made a good-faith effort to understand their four-legged neighbors, argues David Kamp

The Alfresco Aficionado

As the season of backyard entertaining begins, consider these choice items designed for gracious hosting and dining outdoors

Read Air Mail

A Night at the Hรดtel du Cap

This week, Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese, Scarlett Johansson, Robert De Niro, and other guests joined hosts Graydon Carter and David Zaslav at the historic Antibes hotel in celebration of Warner Bros.' centennial. Here, a peek inside the party.


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