
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Graydon Carter here ...

Escape from Sudan; Tom Ford's first post-exit interview; more Goldman trouble; a West End stage delight; and more.
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Good Morning!
It's the weekend, and we have
delights from all over
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Here's Just Some of
What We Have in This Issue

From Wall Street

William D. Cohan investigates the all-too-friendly relationship between Goldman Sachs C.E.O. David Solomon and controversial property developer to the 1 percent Mike Meldman

From Palm Beach

In his first interview since splitting with his eponymous fashion label, Tom Ford talks to Bridget Foley about moving to Florida, making movies, and why he's not wistful about leaving his day job

From the Baltic Sea

Meet the group of journalists with a penchant for puzzles and vodka who think they've cracked the mystery behind the Nord Stream pipeline bombing

From Sudan

One AIR MAIL contributor reveals how he managed to (barely) escape from Khartoum as civil war erupted across the country

From London

Director Sam Mendes's latest play, on Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and Sir John Gielgud, is the stuff of Shakespeare

From the French Riviera

Descendants of pastis king Paul Ricard want to transform the idyllic รŽle de Bendor into a high-end resort

From the Darkroom

Inside the magical world of photographer Rodney Smith

From Our Tech-and-Gear Columnist

A high-tech flyswatter, a laser that turns back time for your skin, and a live, dynamic wind app for following spring gusts

From Our AIR SUPPLY Shop

Never arrive empty-handed—treat your host with one of our inspired gifts!

Happy Saturday!
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