
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Graydon Carter here ...

South of France Special! Cannes; Bardot; Alain Delon; battling billionaires; and more.
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Good Morning!
Welcome to our special issue on the glorious South of France
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Here's Just Some of
What We Have in This Issue

From Antibes

Here's why Cannes is my favorite film festival

From Cannes

How a revolutionary business deal funded Apocalypse Now—and made Francis Ford Coppola a very rich man

From Grasse

Chรขteau Diter, the faux-Italianate villa illegally built by the "Tiger King of Provence," was ordered to be destroyed. It's still kicking—and open for business

From the Archives

The making of Caligula, a high-end ersatz porno set in Roman times, which began with Gore Vidal and Roberto Rossellini—and ended with Penthouse's Bob Guccione

From St. Tropez

Brigitte Bardot is back in the public eye. (She'd rather she wasn't.)

From the Mediterranean

The savvy consultant who helps billionaires name their yachts

From the Film Set

Alain Delon, according to his mistresses, colleagues, and admirers

From the Autoroute

A literary road trip to the houses of Colette, George Sand, Marcel Proust, and ร‰mile Zola

From Cap Ferrat

Somerset Maugham escaped to the Cรดte d'Azur for sun, sea, and safety from England's sodomy laws. Picasso, Chaplin, Churchill, and others came to visit

From Our AIR SUPPLY Shop

Go Gallic with our favorite French finds

Happy Saturday!
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