
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Wallis Simpson's secret betrayal

A never-before-told royals story; drama on Nantucket; Karl Lagerfeld's muse looks onward; Capri dreaming; when male-only flights ruled the skies; and more!
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Good Morning!

Few people know of the pivotal role played by Mary Kirk, an American friend of Wallis Simpson, in the scandal that forced King Edward VIII to abdicate the British throne in 1936. Fewer still are aware of how their childhood friendship was cruelly manipulated and abused by Simpson in her ruthless pursuit of power, money, and the title of Queen. Read Lois Rogers's never-before-told story on Kirk and Simpson, and more of my favorites—a real-estate scandal on Nantucket; Karl Lagerfeld's muse looks onward; the days of men-only airline flights—in the newest issue of AIR MAIL. —Alessandra Stanley, Co-Editor

Mary Kirk and Wallis Simpson

The Other Other Woman

Wallis Simpson was prepared to do anything to become Queen of England—even if it meant backstabbing her best friend

"There is a level of bureaucratic fuckery that happens ... because of the amount of money here."

Nightmare on Main Street

Inside the ballooning prices and fraying tempers rocking tony Nantucket

For 24 years, she was his "extra pair of eyes." Lady Amanda Harlech with Karl Lagerfeld at the Chanel Cruise show in Los Angeles, 2007.

Life After Lagerfeld

Lady Amanda Harlech spent decades working alongside fashion's most obsessive fixture. So what's next?

Capri's allure can be traced back to the life and times of Tiberius, the second Roman emperor, who lived there more than 2,000 years ago.

We'll Always Have Capri

With the buzzy reopening of two hotels, the island is once again having its moment in the sun

When Mad Men ruled the air.

Air Males

For a few years in the mid-1900s, men-only flights—think complimentary cocktails, free cigars, and ample sexism—took to the skies

Flying high: Laura Collett atop London 52 on their way to winning the Badminton Horse Trials last year.

Horse Sense

Formerly the preserve of debs and toffs, Badminton Horse Trials has gotten a lot more egalitarian—but no less dangerous

Mom's the Word

Last-minute gift ideas for mothers of every type, right this way …

Read Now

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