
🌀 How to spectate like a champion

AIR SUPPLY: 25 ways to up your Olympic-viewing game. Plus, tips from an upstate floral master
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Games On

Olympic spectating in the world's fashion capital is its own sport. AIR SUPPLY is here to up your sideline style with a Saint Laurent bucket hat, a Chez Dede neckerchief, Brunello Cucinelli wristbands, and more


Four More for the Win

Get Frenched.

Sleep like a champion.

Avoid traffic. Look terrific.

Put your hands up without fear.

Sarah Ryhanen's Favorite Things

Shop Sarah's Picks

"We run a boardinghouse/hotel at our school. I want complete sets for each room in a different color."

"I have fallen in love with Sicilian wine after spending a month there."

"Lately, I've been steeping burdock root, which makes an insanely colored turquoise brew. Good for the liver."

"I spend a lot of time looking at antique quilts online. This one has incredible colors."

Elle Macpherson in Bed, Kara Swisher All Day, Man Nipples, and More from LOOK

Getting into Bed with Elle Macpherson

Kara Swisher's Feel-Good Approach

Better Off Med

Treasure Chest


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