
🌀 Defy middle-age clichés with Glynnis MacNicol

10 ways to make life more enjoyable from the author of "I'm Mostly Here to Enjoy Myself"
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And … We're Off!

Consider AIR SUPPLY's summer-travel packing list as a sort of manifestation guide for the kind of trip you'll have. A Métier weekend bag, a Sangre de Fruta toiletries set, and an Attersee evening wrap set it off on the right path.


Four Things to Take with You

An elevated tee.

Not flip-flops. Not Birkenstocks.

Freshen up those puppies.

Never knew you needed it.

Glynnis MacNicol's Favorite Things

Shop Glynnis's Picks

"It makes you look like you are a person who knows things."

"I return frequently to Audre Lorde's essay 'Uses of the Erotic,' each time coming away with something new."

"The most intimate way to get to know any city."

"Everything about a Polaroid is so satisfying."

Holiday Heaven or Hell? Vacation Stories from the Archive

Detox Vacation

Riviera Madness

Who Wants to Be a Thrillionaire?

Cruise Control


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