
🌀 Your dad needs this. Father's Day gifts ...

AIR SUPPLY: 28 ways to remind Dad he's your No. 1 guy. At least for a day.
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Go, Daddy-O

Thanks, Dad! Whether you read that sentiment in earnest or irony, we have Father's Day gifts to make the big guy feel good, such as the perfect Oliver Peoples's sunglasses or Via Carota's ready-to-pour old-fashioned.


Paternal Instinct. More Gifts for Dad

The most "dad" thing ever.

No time to waste.

Arty and heartfelt.

Better than a Bic.


Guest Editor Tom Chapman's Favorite Things

Shop Tom's Picks

Send him packing.

Life is a wave to be surfed.

Nice for the women in your life.

As handy as it looks.

There's More!

Plus, Our Fathers—Heroes, Monsters, and More—from the Archive

Portrait of the Artist as a Monster

On Thin Ice

The Father Wound

Growing Up Gilman


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