
🌀 An Hermès-approved creative director shares her beauty and style secrets

AIR SUPPLY: 12 ways to live like Veronica Ditting, how to maximize the longest days of the year, and more ...
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Sun Worship

It's time to take advantage of the sun's extended hours. AIR SUPPLY has a few thoughtful suggestions to make your longest days count, including Gezeiten Prevention & Protection Serum, Recess aloe wipes, Vacation S.P.F. 50, and more


More Cool Gear for Hot Days


Never too early to be on time.

Fresh, clean, dry.

"I'm relaxed."

Veronica Ditting's Favorite Things

Shop Veronica's Picks

"It feels weird suggesting mayonnaise, but this is truly the best one."

"I've only recently discovered these are intended for children. I love them, so I'm having the last laugh."

"A centerpiece on my bookshelf. They were designed by Carl Auböck II in 1948."

"I recently met Lesse founder Neada Deters at a dinner and got introduced to her natural skin-care line."

Plus, Great Balls of Fire. Tanning Sagas from the Archive

Golden Girl

The Secret Lives of Tanorexics

No Skin in the Game

Just Glow with It


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