
🌀 Shopping with Tom Ford's favorite florist

10 picks to spruce up your life, plus garden-inspired gear, and more ...
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Reap What You Sow

It's peak garden season. Plant the seeds of a flourishing, botanical-inspired life, indoors and out, with Christophe Pourny fire starters, Lazarus Douvos rose shampoo, and more


Four More Earthly Delights

Find your rhythm.

Cherry on top.

You had me at "elixir."

Roll and inhale.

Whitney Bromberg Hawkings's Favorite Things

Shop Whitney's Picks

Correspond like royalty.

For cool kids.

Served straight up.

The satire of the summer.

Plus, Roses and Thorns. More Mythical Gardens from the Archive

Being Bunny

Biography of a Wallflower

Botany of a Murder

Green as Money


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