
πŸŽ…πŸ» Graydon Carter here ...

The world's greatest art forger; the queen of interiors; La Grenouille vignettes; and more.
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Good Morning!
It's almost Christmas, and we have
delights from all over
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Here's Just Some of
What We Have in This Issue

From Kharkiv

From Kabul's Serena to Jerusalem's King David, war hotels have long served as headquarters for international journalists. In Ukraine, the Kharkiv Palace is the new gathering place

From Sussex

Despite several run-ins with the law, art forger extraordinaire David Henty is still doing what he does best: replicating Picassos and other great artists' work and selling the imitations for obscenely high sums

From Hollywood

The odds were stacked against The Long Goodbye when it premiered, 50 years ago. But thanks to Robert Altman and Elliot Gould, the film changed the detective genre forever

From France

How the "Indiana Jones of lost film," a flamboyant Frenchman known for burning old films onstage to impress audiences, ended up on trial for manslaughter

From the Publishing World

You'd be forgiven for thinking that this was a buoyant time in American fiction. The problem is, few of our literary bright young things are making their publishers any money

From New York

Charles Masson presided over Midtown's storied La Grenouille restaurant for decades. He recalls serving French cuisine to Henry Kissinger and a very drunk, very cheap Truman Capote

From the Arctic

Sir Hubert Wilkins frequently defied death as he explored the polar ice regions by plane, ship, and even submarine. He was equally obsessed with exploring the recesses of the human mind

From Afghanistan

The British man-child "Lord" Miles Routledge spends his holidays fraternizing with the Taliban. Is he the next Andrew Tate?

From Oxford

The Little Car Company builds two-thirds-size replicas of classic sports cars that sell for more than $100,000. Jonathan Margolis investigates how these tiny racers became such massive successes

From Our AIR SUPPLY Shop

Prepare to ring in the New Year in style with a selection of our most festive finds, from sleek attire to sparkling jewels

Happy Saturday!
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