
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Graydon Carter here ...

Confessions of a Trump ghostwriter; our Interiors Gift Guide; Prince's forgotten masterpiece; and more.
Good Morning!
It's the weekend, and we have
delights from all over
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Here's Just Some of
What We Have in This Issue

From the Writers' Room

In the face of persecution, Jews have often turned to humor as a coping mechanism. But Hamas's attack on Israel has left one former Saturday Night Live writer speechless—and jokeless

From Our AIR SUPPLY Shop

Our Interiors Gift Guide has arrived, giving you just enough time to spruce up your lodgings before the New Year—with tips from Laila Gohar, Missy Robbins, and others!

From Mar-a-Lago

Few have spent more time in close proximity to Donald Trump than Charles Leerhsen, who worked as his ghostwriter and quickly realized Trump is insecure to his core

From the CΓ΄te d'Azur

In the mid-80s, Prince tried his hand at moviemaking, and the critics battered him. Nancy Jo Sales recalls the making of Under the Cherry Moon, starring Kristin Scott Thomas in her first-ever feature-film role—and asks if Prince was just ahead of his time

From Georgia

President Jimmy Carter and his wife, the late Rosalynn Carter, were known for their picture-perfect marriage. Peter Osnos recalls the thing that almost tore it apart

From New York

Dana Brown infiltrates Casa Cruz, the city's latest over-the-top private club for zillionaires, and concludes that no amount of money is worth a membership

From the White House

It's none too surprising that Richard Nixon's movie of choice was Patton. Yet Rich Cohen finds that, for other U.S. presidents, the "favorite film" question produces unexpected answers

From the Kitchen

Alexandra Wolfe gets an inside look at the flourishing private-chef-placement business, wherein top-of-the-line cooks are connected to wealthy prospective clients

From Japan

When Tokyo Vice author Jake Adelstein reported on the Japanese Mafia for his new book, the protection of his sources was vital. A new law could put their identities in danger

From the Living Room

No household is complete without at least one coffee-table book. Our AIR SUPPLY shop has compiled a list of this year's best volumes, just in time for the holidays

Happy Saturday!
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