A message from The Ascent, a Motley Fool Service Do you want to know the truth about credit cards? If you can't pay off your interest-bearing balance each month, it's usually best to avoid credit cards if you're able to. High-interest debt can really add up. But if you can pay off your credit card each month, it's practically a no-brainer to use them instead of debit cards or cash. That's for three main reasons: - They offer much better fraud protections than debit cards
- They are a primary way you can raise your credit score with good credit behaviors
- You can easily earn hundreds or thousands of dollars in rewards each year with a top credit card
But with so many cards out there, it's tough to know where to begin. That's where we come in. Our experts scour the market for top-of-the-line financial products, and when we see one we love, we want to tell you about it so you can take full advantage of all it has to offer. And that's the case for this cash rewards credit card. Simply put, it is one of the best cash rewards cards we've ever seen thanks to its laundry list of outstanding features, including: - A best-in-class, unlimited cash rewards rate
- An incredibly easy-to-earn cash rewards welcome bonus worth $200
- A low intro APR offer that lasts into 2024
We haven't come across this combination of top perks in one card before, which is why we ranked it the Best Cash Back Card for 2022 and believe this is one of the best cash rewards cards for most people. Get the full rundown with our expert review and apply today to start earning rewards with this best-in-class pick. |