This top-rated brokerage account stands out for a number of its top perks. Details inside. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A message from The Ascent, a Motley Fool Service The numbers are definitive: over the long term, there's been no better way to grow your wealth than investing in the stock market. But before you start trading, you need to make sure you're using the right brokerage account. That's because, in the era of $0 online stock commissions, using the wrong brokerage could make a big dent in your investing returns. And while we recognize that one brokerage can't be the "best" choice for every single investor, this expert pick brokerage account stands out for a number of its top perks, such as: - $0 online stock and ETF trades
- No minimum deposit requirement for standard brokerage accounts or IRAs
- A top-notch trading platform
So, if you're ready to take advantage of an "on sale" market with a top-pick brokerage account, I urge you to read our full review of this expert pick here. | | Here's to your investing ascent! | | PS. You should know that we are committed to helping you improve your finances. To that end, if we wouldn't recommend a brokerage account to a close family member, we wouldn't recommend it to you on The Ascent either. | | | | |