I'm writing you today to talk about something I believe will change the way you invest forever. It's hard to believe, but 2022 marks the 29-year anniversary of the founding of The Motley Fool by those two brothers, David and Tom Gardner. It's truly amazing that Tom and David were able to go from publishing an investment newsletter for 300 or so subscribers out of the shed behind David's house… To serving millions of hardworking investors like you around the globe from offices in far-flung countries like Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom. All while navigating the dot.com bubble, the Housing Crisis, and the current environment. David and Tom have put together a heck of a run. And since I have the luxury of working with them, I know what they're most proud of is their ability to consistently lead investors to some of the most life-changing investment returns the market has ever seen. I'm talking, of course, about companies like: - Amazon (up 15,862%), since it was recommended in September 2002.
- Netflix (up 12,997%), since it was recommended in December 2004.
- Nvidia (up 3,313%), since it was recommended in April 2005.
- Baidu (up 1,711%), since it was recommended in October 2006.
- Salesforce.com (up 2,073%), since it was recommended in January 2009.
Those are actual investment recommendations The Motley Fool has shared with our investing community over the years – and the list goes on! And that's why I'm writing this today. Because this track record, combined with a historically very profitable stock buy signal, could change the way you invest forever. And that buy signal is flashing right now. |
| You see, twice every month, the analyst team at The Motley Fool researches a brand-new stock and recommends it to members. And as you've already seen, these picks could lead to life-changing returns. However, every so often, we come across a stock so good…that we just have to double down on it. Many of us around the office have come to call this re-recommendation an "All In" buy sign. And the 101 times it has happened, the results have been spectacular: - Netflix is up 8,525% since The Motley Fool went "All In" in June 2007
- Tesla, which received the "All In" buy sign in November 2012, is up 14,444% since.
In fact, across the 101 stocks with this total conviction ... the average return is an astounding 362% … crushing the S&P 500 by nearly 3x! Which brings us back to our current "All In" candidate -- The Trade Desk. Now of course, we would never tell you to go "all-in" on one stock — our research shows the best way to build lasting wealth is own a diversified portfolio of multiple stocks — 25 or more is great. But the details behind The Trade Desk are impressive: - It's 1/50th the size of Google.
- Each one of our previous recommendations is crushing the market.
- Its young CEO has already banked $2.3 billion on this stock since its IPO.
- This company stands to profit as more and more people ditch cable for streaming TV.
In an interview with Tom Gardner and his team, this company's CEO called the current moment "the most exciting in the history of advertising." | |
| As I mentioned above, you should never go truly "all-in" on just one stock, no matter how promising it looks. As we've seen with recent market drops — being all in on just one stock can be the kiss of death if the market goes bad. For example, if you put all your money in Snapchat back in November of 2020, you'd have been up 105.5% just 10 months later … awesome right? Only to be down 62.62% from your purchase price today (and down 81.8% from your peak price)... Not so awesome. In contrast, if you'd have diversified with SPY, you'd have fared much better. By diversifying yourself to 25 different stocks across various industries, you spread your risk out. But, there's a catch to diversification — researching and tracking 25 stocks regularly is incredibly time consuming. That's where Motley Fool Stock Advisor comes in. Stock Advisor has seen returns of 381% since inception, compared to the S&P's returns of just 125% in the same period. We have an entire team of analysts constantly watching the market, reviewing companies, and picking stocks that have continued to outperform the market time and time again, and across many different industries, such as tech, travel, pharmaceuticals, retailers, and more. Our nearly 1,000,000+ members just need to quickly and simply read our biweekly buy recs, along with timely stocks, and detailed reports to know exactly what they want to do with their money. I'm completely convinced you'll be impressed by the exclusive research we've put together not only on our Trade Desk recommendation, but all our monthly picks. To prove it, I'll make sure that when you sign up for Stock Advisor today, your membership will be backed by a 30-day 100% membership-fee-back guarantee that allows you to get your money back if you aren't impressed or ultimately decide Stock Advisor isn't right for you! That means you can sign up for a year of Stock Advisor today, get the full report on The Trade Desk, instant access to our top buy recs right now, and then get your full membership fee back within 30 days if you aren't completely satisfied. Simply click the button below to access our secure sign-up page. | |
| We work fervently, feverishly, and Foolishly to make sure all the facts and figures we publish in our emails are 100% accurate and up to date. "All In" average returns as of August 08, 2022. The 101 stock occurrences refer to all re-recommendations inside of Motley Fool Stock Advisor. All other returns as of September 22, 2022. CEO figures are as of August 15, 2020. John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool's board of directors. Eric Bleeker owns shares of Amazon, Baidu, NVIDIA, and Tesla. The Motley Fool owns shares of Amazon, Baidu, Netflix, NVIDIA, Salesforce.com, and Tesla. How did you like this email? | | |
| 1 Based on $199/year list price. Introductory promotion for new members only. Stock Advisor will renew at the then current list price. We work fervently, feverishly, and Foolishly to make sure all the facts and figures we publish in our emails are 100% accurate and up to date. This is a promotional message from The Motley Fool | 2000 Duke St. | Alexandria, VA 22314 Legal Information. Copyright ©1995-2022 The Motley Fool. All rights reserved. To prevent this from getting swept up by overzealous email filters, add Fool@info.fool.com to your address book. If you no longer wish to receive this email, please unsubscribe now. Please do not respond to this email as this mailbox is unmonitored. Go to our help center for answers to frequently asked questions and for options on how to contact us | |
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