This expert pick cash back card really packs in the lucrative perks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A message from The Ascent, a Motley Fool Service Inflation has skyrocketed over the last several months. And with inflation comes higher prices. For everything. So, while you're spending more on necessities like gas and groceries, you might as well earn rewards for that cash you're shelling out. This means if you're using a credit card, you should be using one that offers generous rewards and cash back on your everyday spending. Our top pick? This cash back card. This card is one of our experts' favorites thanks to its lucrative rewards structure and laundry list of perks, including: - Earn one of the highest cash back rates we've seen among cash back cards.
- Pay no interest on purchases and balance transfers until late-2023.
- $0 annual fee (Yes, you read that right. You get these perks and more without paying a dime for an annual fee.)
Plus, there is an incredibly easy way to significantly increase your cash rewards in the first year. So what are you waiting for? Apply for this expert pick card today -- all it takes is 2 minutes to apply. | | To your financial ascent, | | Nathan Hamilton Director, The Ascent by The Motley Fool | | P.S. You should know that we are committed to helping you improve your finances. To that end, if we wouldn't recommend a credit card to a close family member, we wouldn't recommend it to you on The Ascent either. | | | | |