A message from The Ascent, a Motley Fool Service Reviews have become a crucial part of today's society. Trying to find a place for dinner? Check the reviews. Deciding between hotels for a vacation? Check the reviews. Credit cards shouldn't be any different. But for something as financially influential as a credit card, you may want a review that carries a little more weight than a random consumer. And that's where the financial experts at The Ascent come in. The Ascent was founded as a Motley Fool brand to provide you with simple tactics to help you confidently conquer your money goals -- including in-depth reviews of some of what we consider to be the best credit card offers out there. And, today, we're excited to pull back the curtain on one of the most lucrative credit card offers we've come across. This expert cash back pick packs in a laundry list of drool-worthy perks, including: - Earn one of the highest cash back rates we've seen among cash back cards.
- Pay no interest on purchases and balance transfers into late 2023.
- $0 annual fee (Yes, you read that right. You get these perks and more without paying a dime for an annual fee.)
- 2-minute application
But most importantly - it's dead simple to significantly increase your cash rewards in the first year. I urge you to read our full review here. Doing so could easily bank you a few hundred extra dollars. |