A message from The Ascent, a Motley Fool Service When looking for a cash back credit card to add to your wallet, one of the most important things you need to keep in mind is how your spending aligns with the card's earning structure. If you spend most of your money in one place, but your card doesn't reward you for that spending, what's the point? Enter: A card with unlimited rewards for all of your spending. Cards like this expert pick make earning rewards a breeze. Instead of having to keep track of rotating categories, this card offers a base of unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases. Making it more valuable when compared to other flat rate cards that only offer 1%. Plus, this popular cash back card also has a ton of other great perks that really beef up its value, including: - An innovative first-year sign-up bonus potentially worth hundreds
- 0% intro APR on purchases for 15 months
- Flexible reward options
And the cherry on top? You get access to all of these perks for a $0 annual fee! So what are you waiting for? Check out the full expert review on why this card is one of The Ascent's top picks for a one-card wallet and then get ready to start reaping the rewards. |