A message from The Ascent, a Motley Fool Service While it may be counterintuitive, buying stocks during a market downturn could be a great opportunity. Currently, the S&P 500 is down 20% vs. all-time highs -- just in the last six months, which indicates that the market is effectively "on sale" and you could grab some great stocks for a bargain. But before you start trading, you need to make sure you're using the right brokerage account. That's because, in the era of $0 online stock commissions, using the wrong brokerage could make a big dent in your investing returns. And while we recognize that one brokerage can't be the "best" choice for every single investor, this expert pick brokerage account stands out for a number of its top perks, such as: - Low fees, including $0 online stock and ETF trades
- Great customer support, including in-person
- Special cash bonus offer: Up to $600 when you invest in a new account
Even better, there's no minimum for opening a new account. So, if you're ready to take advantage of an "on sale" market with a top-pick brokerage account, I urge you to read our full review of this expert pick here. |