
A $97 30-min Uber Ride?!

There's ONE thing that hasn't gone up in price with recent inflation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Motley Fool

I went to buy a plane ticket for a friend's wedding recently. A short 1.5 hour flight to the midwest… $770.

WHAT?! I've never paid more than $200 for this flight before.

And when I called an Uber to take me to the airport, you should have seen my face. $97 just for a 30-minute ride one way.

Trust me, I know costs for drivers have gone up, with gas prices soaring to records like we've never seen — my wallet is feeling that too.

In fact, it feels like just about everything has gone up in price. From my Netflix subscription, to my groceries (have you SEEN the price of eggs now), my rent, to my morning cup of coffee.

But, there's one thing that HASN'T gone up in price with recent inflation… at all.

And that's Motley Fool Stock Advisor.

Stock Advisor is the award-winning service that has provided market-beating stock recommendations. It ranks as the #1 Best Investment Newsletter for the Wall Street Survivor (for the 5th year in a row).

But don't take my word for it.

Member Tom McCorkendale wrote, "I have over 1 million in the stock market. Fool's recommendations help me outpace the double averages market gains and their in depth analysis helps me understand emerging trends. If you're serious about your investments Fool is an indispensable tool."

Or take it from Gary M, who said, "My experience with Motley Fool has been both educational and profitable. The cost of my subscription to Motley Fool has been repaid many [times] over. Thanks for all of the Foolish help!"

Let's just reread Gary's last sentence — the cost of his subscription, a subscription that HASN'T gone up in price along with inflation, has been repaid time and time again based on stock recommendations.

Because The Motley Fool isn't here to rob you of your hard-earned money.

We're here to help you make more money…

Hopefully enough money to offset inflation, enough to fund college educations, weddings, vacations, and retirement. Our goal is to make you smarter, richer, and happier.

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While streaming services like Netflix, HBO Max, and Disney+ get a lot of the highlights and attention when it comes to a new streaming economy, we think this wave is creating a big opportunity for some of our favorite companies.

5G ON THE LAUNCH PAD ($24.90 value)

An investor's guide to this once-in-a-lifetime business disruption. Experts believe this technology could be worth $17 trillion by the year 2035 and is a game-changer. If there's one stock for the coming 5G boom, this could be it.


This $19 trillion market could be "bigger than the internet," "worth 35 Amazons," and create the "world's first trillionaire."

THE NEXT AMAZON.COM ($41.50 Value)

While it feels like Amazon is conquering the world, the reality is we're still in the early innings of a massive shift to online shopping. Our team of analysts believe Amazon is just first among dozens of huge winners in the e-commerce space, and we've identified one we think could be the next Amazon, plus four additional e-commerce stocks to buy.

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1 Based on $199/year list price. Introductory promotion for new members only. Stock Advisor will renew at the then current list price.

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