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AIR SUPPLY: Todd Nickey and Amy Kehoe's magic touches, gifts for graduates, and more
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Weekly Shopping Guide

Congrats, Kid! You Made It This Far. Gifts for the Graduate

Tee them up for success as they embark on their next chapter. No matter their path, a Le Alfré oxford shirt, a Métier briefcase, a Rapport watch case, and a proper duvet cover by Kassatex will make the road ahead at least mildly respectable.


More Honors to Bestow

For a weekend well spent.

Cute, not cloying.

A handkerchief with a how-to.

Take care of your watch.

Guest Editors Todd Nickey and Amy Kehoe's Favorite Things

Shop Todd's and Amy's Picks

"Makes the bed look fresh and crisp with little effort." —T.N.

"Pour an entire box of Maldon sea salt in it and toss the box." —T.N.

"A perfect catchall for jewelry." —A.K.

"This little genius diffuser will change your driving life." —T.N.

Plus, More Young-Adult Reading. Stories of Living and Learning

Could I Survive as a Tradwife?

Gambling's Last Frontier

The Slacker Myth

Sex, Drugs, and Anish Kapoor

Shop All of This Week's Recs

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