
🇺🇦 Graydon Carter here ...

Israel's Eva Perón; Yale secret-society woes; Peltz-Beckham vanity film; a New Wave "Succession"; Apple Vision Pro test-drive …
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Or, Here's Just Some
of What's in Store …

Bibi's Gun

Bones of Contention

Bottom of the Ninth

Legal Tender

Slumdog Billionaire

Battle of Twits


From Silicon Valley

Infra-red cameras, L.E.D. sensors, and millions of pixels … one editor takes Apple's new $3,500 virtual-reality headset for a spin ahead of its release, next week

From the Literary World

A scandal involving a debut author who used pseudonyms to trash her competitors' books on Goodreads raises serious questions about the Internet's most popular book-review site

From Uzbekistan

This former Soviet republic might seem forbidding, but it's actually quite the opposite, thanks to its rich history, stunning architecture, and fairy tale–esque atmosphere

From our AIR SUPPLY Shop

Tap into your inner minimalist with a Métier folio and chambray napkins, easily tucked away in a leather bag from Hunting Season, plus more pared-back essentials

Happy Saturday!
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