Remember the pitiful hashtag diplomacy of the Obama Administration? Joe Biden has taken it a sad step forward with Tik-Tok diplomacy. Joe Biden has enlisted a group of dancing teenagers to try and pass off his foreign policy blunders onto others. It's sad and pathetic.
I talked with Jesse Watters about Biden's Tok-Tok diplomacy. Watch the clip below.
"This shows just how incompetent President Biden is, Jesse — that now he's asking teenagers to do his job for him. I mean think about that for a second. This is the President of the United States. It's bad enough that he's going around begging dictators to give us oil because he won't allow Americans to produce our own energy, but now he's going to actual teenagers and begging them on a chinese-owned social media app to do his job. I mean, I've never seen anything like this. You cannot make this stuff up!"